Panel Discussion-03/12/2021 #jemitëbarabartë (#we are equal)

Panel Discussion-03/12/2021 #jemitëbarabartë (#we are equal)

As part of the ‘International Day of Disabled Persons’, in the premises of the Institute for Students with Hearing Problems, LIVE panel discussion on the topic: Equal access for children and young people with hearing impairments in education and employment.
Guests on the panel are:
Mr. Ernesto Spinelli, Communication Expert of AICS Tirana
Mrs. Anila Ferizaj, Directorate of Education, Sports and Youth Development Programs, Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth
Mrs. Anila MEÇO, Director, Save the Children Albania
Mrs. Azbie Ramaj, Director, Institute of Students with Hearing Problems
Mrs. Shpresa Ibrahimi, Parent
Mr. Florjan Rojba, Executive Director, ANAD

This panel is part of the awareness campaign “We are equal” which takes place within the project “Improving the living conditions of people with hearing disabilities in Albania”. This project is supported by AICS Tirana – Italian Agency for Cooperation and Development and implemented by Save the Children in partnership with #ForumiiPavaruriGruasShqiptare and the Agency for Quality Assurance of Pre-University Education, Institute for Deaf Students


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