Improving the living conditions of people with hearing disabilities in Albania 1

Improving the living conditions of people with hearing disabilities in Albania 1

The project intends to act at the level of the health and education systems and wants to promote professional training and the creation of micro-enterprises by the young people involved in the project activities.

In particular, the project will work in the hospitals of Durres, Fier, Elbasan and Korca in order to promote the creation of early hearing screening for newborns.

It will provide adequate equipment and training to operators in order to carry out proper screening as well as review and promote the adoption of the national protocol. The identified infants will then be referred to the Q.S.U.T. “Nene Tereza” where they will undergo a specialist examination and will receive prostheses, if deemed necessary. The project will also work with the Institute for Deaf Students in Tirana where it will promote medical examinations, diagnosis, and prosthetics of pupils. It will also be responsible for defining specific curricula and teacher training to facilitate the learning and inclusion of children and young people with hearing disabilities within schools. The project will enhance the e-learning platform through the creation of new materials that will be made available and will promote moments of integration between hearing and deaf children.

The project will support the young people of the last year of the Institute for Deaf Students in Tirana in defining plans for the development of micro-enterprises and will provide them with specific training on business management and small funding for the start-up of activities.


CESTAS Funder: Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation


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