“Art Zone” Financed by the Municipality of Tirana

“Art Zone” Financed by the Municipality of Tirana

About the project:

September 29 is the national day of Cultural Heritage in Albania. A case of extraordinary importance to reaffirm, in public opinion, the central role of culture in Albanian social dynamics. A day which made us reflect on the benefits that the use of cultural heritage can bring in terms of fun, experimentation and new approaches. There are many activities and events that are organized on this day in the places of art, to reflect on the foundations of our history.

The project aims to promote activities that encourage the meeting of young people in the spaces and places dedicated to them. The activities have a cultural and educational aspect in order to promote the territory and the involvement of young people in the organization and promotion of activities, thus strengthening the dimension of trust, sense of belonging and community.

The objective of the project is to promote the creativity of young people as an essential dimension to promote personal development and growth, favoring the opportunity to create and use cultural activities and events.

Funder: Municipality of Tirana


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